Facebook Adverts

  • Largest social media channel in the world
  • Popular post can reach thousands
  • Easy to get started, add links, call to action button & events
  • 1.71 Billion users a month, 73% users between 30-49 years of age.
  • If you are a small business company or have less marketing budget Facebook Adverts could be the option for you.

Facebook campaigns will bring new more traffic, new customers, sales increase, brand or service awareness. Fix IT Digitally will design your Facebook Advert campaign on the set objectives. Adverts objective includes, generate sales, increase traffic, more sign ups, event marketing, new product benefits, coupons, limited time offer ect.


  • Instagram is a visual platform more suitable for the visual marketing of your service and product.
  • Now a day’s people don’t bother to read so, it’s a nice and easy way to get attention of the potential customers.
  • Use of # will enable you to reach potential customer beyond your own followers.

Fix IT Digitally can help you with unique designs and catchy slogans or ideas to increase your traffic and publicity.


Youtube: is the second-largest search engine after Google and it’s a great way of advertising your product or service.

  • You can connect with potential customers uniquely and memorably.
  • You can reach the right audience on YouTube by topics, keywords, or demographics
  • Time-saving campaigns
  • You can analyze and improve your Ads.

We can help you with YouTube Ads and designing a well-targeted campaign


  • Twitter is a useful network that can be helpful depending on the industry and nature of the service.
  • Tweets are indexed by Google so can boost your page ranking.

Chatting with users will give you a better way to understand customer likes and dislikes which can be useful for product development & optimization. We can fix it for you depending on your short & long-term objectives.